Terry Fox Run On Thursday, September 26 at 10:45 a.m., we will run to fight against Cancer in the annual Terry Fox Run. In honour of Terry and to help those suffering from Cancer, we are asking for voluntary donations of $1 to be brought to the school Thursday. Come join us to support this cause.
House team Color Day
On Thursday we are having our first house team competition and will have a wear your color day. This will occur on the same day as the Terry Fox Run. Leopards are purple, Wildcats are red, Jaguars are green and Bobcats are yellow. Wear some of that color or as much as you can!
Soccer Teams in FSJ Friday
Grade 7 and 8 students will board the bus at 8:55 and head to play 4 games against other school this Friday. The two teams will steadily play games between 10:00 and 1:45. Stop by Surrerus Fields to cheer if you can.
PAC Meeting- General Elections
The next PAC meeting and general elections will be on October 2, at 7:30 pm.